Rafael joined Disney Vacation Club in June 1993, just 2 years from its inception. Rafael retired from Disney Vacation Club after a tenure of over 21 successful years with many honors, awards, accomplishments and having touched many lives.
Rafael and his wife Irenne have raised two boys, now professionals in the medical field and enjoy spoiling and sharing family vacation time with three beautiful granddaughters.
- Sold over 55 Million Dollars in Disney Vacation Club direct as a Senior Disney Vacation Club Guide
- Sold Over 4.7 Million in DVC Resale
- Speaks English, Spanish (Full Professional Proficiency), Portuguese, Italian (Limited working proficiency)
- Nominated for Disney’s “Partners in Excellence” award
- 3 time recipient of DVC “Leadership Circle” award
- Licensed Real Estate Agent since 1993
- Designated as “mentor” to peers in previous role as Disney Vacation Club Guide