DVC Right of First Refusal (ROFR): May ’16 Report

Stringed lights and brightly colored buildings line the boardwalk at Disney's Boardwalk Villas

In the month of May, Disney exercised their right of first refusal (ROFR) on 3 contracts that were sold through the DVC Resale Market. The 3 contracts consisted of 2 Old Key West contracts and 1 Boardwalk contract.  Both resorts have been historically popular buy backs.

It was interesting to note, that all 3 contracts bought back in May had the seller paying the 2016 annual dues, and 2 of the 3 contracts had all the 2016 points coming.  The theory of negotiating more on dues and less on price to have a better chance of getting through ROFR didn’t hold true in May.

Below are the details on the 3 contracts bought back in May.

Resort Price Per Point Points On Contract Price Closing Costs Paid by 2016 Annual Dues Paid by Use Year Point Availability 
Boardwalk $93 150 $13,950 Buyer Seller Oct. 150 Points Coming Oct. ’17
Old Key West $79 150 $11,850 Buyer Seller Sep. 150 Points Coming Sep. ’16 + 150 Points Coming Sep. ’17
Old Key West $83 100 $8,300 Buyer Seller Sep. 100 Points Coming Sep. ’16 + 100 Points Coming Sep. ’17



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