DVC Right of First Refusal (ROFR): November ’17 Report

In the month of November, Disney exercised their right of first refusal (ROFR) on 8 of 167 vacation club contracts sold through the DVC Resale Market, representing 4.8% of the contracts sold.  This lowers the year-to-date (YTD) buy back rate to 7.3%.  In November, the buy back rate stayed almost flat when compared to the month before.  In November, […]

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DVC Right of First Refusal (ROFR): October ’17 Report

In the month of October, Disney exercised their right of first refusal (ROFR) on 7 of 160 vacation club contracts sold through the DVC Resale Market, representing 4.4% of the contracts sold.  This lowers the year-to-date (YTD) buy back rate to 7.5%.  In October, the buy back rate saw a nearly 40% reduction, going from a rate […]

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DVC Right of First Refusal (ROFR): September ’17 Report

In the month of September, Disney exercised their right of first refusal (ROFR) on 12 of 166 contracts sold through the DVC Resale Market, representing 7.2% of the contracts sold.  This slightly lowers the year-to-date (YTD) buy back rate to 7.8%.  In September, the buy back rate saw a modest 22% reduction, going from a rate of […]

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DVC Right of First Refusal (ROFR): August ’17 Report

In the month of August, Disney exercised their right of first refusal (ROFR) on 21 of 227 contracts sold through the DVC Resale Market, representing 9.3% of the contracts sold.  This raises the year-to-date (YTD) buyback rate to 7.8%.  In August, the buyback rate increased nearly 300% month to month, going from a rate of 2.4% in […]

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DVC Right of First Refusal (ROFR): June ’17 Report

Summary In the month of June, Disney exercised their right of first refusal (ROFR) on 4 of 163 contracts sold through the DVC Resale Market, representing 2.5% of the contracts sold.  This lowers the year-to-date (YTD) buy back rate to 8.4%.  June represented a 4th straight month in the buy back rate declining, but 2017 still has […]

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Why is the Resale Value of Disney Vacation Club so Much Stronger than other Timeshares?

Many people’s first reaction to why Disney Vacation Club (DVC) carries a higher resale value is perhaps the name itself.  While the Disney brand is undeniably a powerhouse, the name itself doesn’t tell the entire story as to why the resale value of DVC is so strong.  For example, a consumer could just as easily […]

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DVC Right of First Refusal (ROFR): March ’17

Summary In the month of March, Disney exercised their right of first refusal (ROFR) on 19 of 252 contracts sold through the DVC Resale Market, representing 7.5% of the contracts sold.  This lowers the year-to-date buy back rate to 10.6%.  Despite the drop, the 2017 buy back rate is still more than 2x that of the 4.4% […]

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DVC Right of First Refusal (ROFR): December ’16 Report

In the month of December, Disney exercised their right of first refusal (ROFR) on 8 contracts sold through the DVC Resale Market, representing roughly 5.6% of the contracts sold in that same month.  This month’s 5.6% percentage was above the 2016 percentage of 4.4%. Right of First Refusal is the option Disney Vacation Club has to […]

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Proposed 2017 Disney Vacation Club Annual Dues

Below is a table showing the proposed 2017 annual dues per point for all the Disney Vacation Club Resorts. Please note, these are only proposed 2017 annual dues, and these proposed dues will have the opportunity for approval at the 2016 Disney Vacation Club Annual Condominium Association Meeting on December 8, 2016.  The meeting will […]

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DVC Home Resort Priority vs. Years Left on a DVC Contract

When considering a Disney Vacation Club (DVC) Resale purchase, we often see buyers trying to decide between the resort they want to stay at versus the resort that provides them the most years of vacationing.   This is an understandable quandary as one contract can provide the buyer with Home Resort Priority (7-11 month booking […]

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