DVC Right of First Refusal (ROFR): November ’15 Report

In an effort to help educate Disney Vacation Club (DVC) resale buyers on the latest right of first refusal (ROFR) information we wanted to provide a monthly report that would show the DVC contracts in detail that were recently bought back by Disney.
In the month of November, Disney exercised their right of first refusal on 13 contracts that were sold through the DVC Resale Market. All 13 contracts were from 3 resorts: Beach Club, Old Key West and Saratoga Springs. The majority of the contracts that were bought back were Saratoga Springs at 9 total. The average resale price per point on a Saratoga Springs contract that was bought back was $82.50 with the highest being at $88/pt. The details of those contracts can be seen in the chart below:
Beach Club | $105 | 400 | $42,000 | Oct. | 400 Points from Oct. ’15 + 400 Points coming Oct. ’16 |
Beach Club | $92 | 160 | $14,720 | Feb. | 105 Points coming Oct. ’16 |
Old Key West | $82 | 150 | $12,300 | Sep. | 32 Points from Sep. ’15 + 150 Points coming Sep. ’16 |
Old Key West | $76 | 150 | $11,400 | Apr. | 114 Points coming Apr. ’16 |
Saratoga Springs | $85 | 212 | $18,020 | Feb. | 424 Points coming Feb. ’16 |
Saratoga Springs | $77 | 220 | $16,940 | Feb. | 220 Points Coming Feb. ’17 |
Saratoga Springs | $88 | 150 | $13,200 | Mar. | 150 Points from March ’15 + 300 Points coming Mar. ’16 |
Saratoga Springs | $84 | 150 | $12,600 | Feb. | 150 Points coming Feb. ’16 |
Saratoga Springs | $82 | 130 | $10,660 | Feb. | 130 Points coming in Feb. ’16 |
Saratoga Springs | $82 | 160 | $13,120 | Mar. | 160 Points coming Mar. ’16 |
Saratoga Springs | $75 | 300 | $22,500 | Feb. | 16 Points coming Feb. ’16 |
Saratoga Springs | $85.50 | 150 | $12,825 | Sep. | 178 Points from Sep. ’15 + 150 Points coming Sep. ’16 |
Saratoga Springs | $84 | 150 | $12,600 | Apr. | 150 Points coming Apr. ’16 |
Please note that all the contracts above had the buyer paying closing cost, seller paying 2015 annual dues and buyer paying 2016 annual dues on the 2016 points that were coming.
Interested buying Saratoga springs 2 bedroom units
Adela, When purchasing into Disney Vacation Club you purchase points rather than a particular unit, like a 2 bedroom. However, keeping in mind you want to stay in a 2 bedroom at Saratoga Springs you should be looking to purchase enough points to be able to make that reservation happen. For example, a 2 bedroom at Saratoga Springs for a week this time of year requires 239 points. Please feel free to browse our Saratoga Springs listings and we look forward to assisting you: https://www.dvcresalemarket.com/listings/saratoga-springs/