Disney Parks Drop Face Mask Requirements

Walt Disney World just updated its face-covering rules again…and you’re gonna like the news! Here’s what just happened.

The New Rules

Okay, let’s start with the headline. Walt Disney World has ended its indoor face mask requirement for vaccinated guests.

Disney still expects unvaccinated park visitors to wear face masks for their own protection.

Enforcement of this requirement probably won’t be emphatic, though. Cast members are tired.

The rule comes with one caveat. Everyone aged two and over must wear a mask while riding on Disney’s enclosed transportation.

Courtesy of Disney Tourist Blog

So, you don’t need to wear a mask on some boats. However, you must use a face-covering on monorails, buses, and the Disney Skyliner.

This policy update rolls back Disney’s pandemic status to last summer. The parks had previously dropped indoor face mask rules on June 15th, 2021.

Then, the Delta variant outbreak led to the restoration of face-covering requirements on July 29th, 2021.

So, we’ve only had six weeks without face masks since the parks reopened in July of 2020.

Similarly, Disneyland Resort has required masks most of the time since it returned in April of 2020.

Courtesy of Disney Tourist Blog

Park officials just confirmed that the two parks here will also drop their face mask requirements on February 17th.

That’s two days after California allowed its indoor face-covering mandate to expire at 12:01 a.m. this morning, February 15th.

If you read my article on Monday, you know that I had expected this announcement soon-ish…but certainly not by today.

The Official Guidelines

Courtesy of Disney Tourist Blog

I generally don’t like to cut and paste giant blocks of text, but this one’s important. So, here are Walt Disney World’s updated face-covering rules:

Beginning February 17th, 2022, Face coverings will be optional for fully vaccinated Guests in both outdoor and indoor locations. We expect Guests who are not fully vaccinated to continue wearing face coverings in all indoor locations, including indoor attractions and theaters. Face coverings will still be required by all Guests (ages 2 and up) on enclosed Disney transportation, including Disney buses, monorails, and Disney Skyliner.

Current Face Covering Requirements Through February 16th, 2022:

Face coverings are required for all Guests (ages 2 and up) in all indoor locations, regardless of vaccination status. This includes upon entering and throughout all indoor attractions and indoor queues and in Disney buses, monorail and Disney Skyliner, regardless of vaccination status. Face coverings are optional for Guests in outdoor areas.”

Courtesy of Disney Tourist Blog

Disneyland’s rules through February 16th are almost verbatim. The sole difference is the dropping of the Disney Skyliner and the mention of shuttles.

Yes, you are expected to wear a face-covering when you use shuttles at Disneyland. Outdoor parking trams don’t appear to apply, though.

Disneyland’s rules for February 17th include slightly different language. Here it is:

“Beginning February 17th, 2022, face coverings are required for unvaccinated Guests (ages 2 and older) in all indoor locations, including throughout indoor attractions and indoor queues. Face coverings are required for all Guests, regardless of vaccination status, in certain indoor settings including Disney shuttles and in health settings, such as in First Aid. Face coverings are optional for Guests in outdoor areas.”

The primary difference is in the First Aid/health settings section, which Walt Disney World doesn’t list.

Final Thoughts

The main takeaway here is simple. You don’t need to wear a face mask indoors at any American Disney theme park.

These rules take effect on February 17th. So if you’re visiting today or tomorrow, you must still use a face-covering.

However, if you’re staying through Thursday, you can drop the mask on Thursday…if that’s your wish.

You get to choose your own approach to public safety. Currently, pandemic numbers are waning in the United States.

Please understand that another outbreak could change Disney’s approach, though. After all, the lost rollback only lasted from mid-June until late July.

Plan your upcoming Disney vacations accordingly!

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