Is Renting My DVC Points Authorized?

It is always great to know that with DVC, you have many more Disney trips to come. However, over the life of the contract, you may find that there are times that you may not use your points whether you’re exploring other destinations, or you’re simply not traveling.
Rather than just letting those DVC points expire, you can consider renting them out. When renting out your points, you book a DVC reservation for another guest using your points. If you’re wondering if “renting my DVC points is authorized”, here’s what you need to know.
DVC Rentals Are Authorized

Excerpt from DVC multi-site public offering statement
From the standpoint of the DVC multi-site public offering statement, renting out DVC points is permitted. The public offering statement under Disney Vacation Development (DVD) Disclosures, states that ownership should not be purchased with the expectation of renting or obtaining a particular rental rate. It also states that any member who rents would be competing with Disney-owned-and-operated resorts and that no assistance will be provided by Disney. The section titled Multi-site Public Offering Statement Text, explains that DVC ownership for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited. In the past, an amendment to the public offering statement defined commercial purposes as “reservations in excess of the first 20 reservations.”
What does this all mean, practically speaking? Occasional DVC rentals are not prohibited though no specific profit should be expected, and Disney will not help members in coordinating these DVC rentals.
Renting Points Can Be Helpful for DVC Members

Disney’s Riviera Resort
For many DVC members, every point is precious, and it’s best to not let unused points expire. Renting out your points ensures that they will be used, and it can help you earn some income to put towards annual dues.
If you’re a DVC member who is interested in renting out DVC points, contact our friends at the DVC Rental Store. They make it easy for you to rent out points or rent out a confirmed reservation by handling all the communication with the renting guest. Plus, they pay up to $19 per rented point.
Bottomline: Renting out your DVC points is authorized as per the DVC multi-site public offering statement, and the income from renting can help pay for annual dues.
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