Common Myths about DVC Resale

By this point, I think most of the DVC community knows the truth. There’s virtually no difference between purchasing a Disney Vacation Club membership directly from Disney and purchasing one from the resale market. Still, some strange perceptions remain that aren’t based in fact. Let’s do some myth-busting on these beliefs regarding DVC Resale. 

Buying Resale Is Complicated, Right?

Wrong! Speaking as someone who has gone through the process both ways, there’s just not much difference between buying directly from Disney or purchasing resale via a company like DVC Resale Market. In truth, the resales businesses often lay out the details in a more understandable manner.

When you discuss a DVC purchase with a Cast Member, they’ll generally assume that you’re a novice. So, the dutiful Disney employee – Cast Members are wonderful people – will provide as little insight as needed. They don’t want to overwhelm you.

An expert on DVC Resale takes a different approach. They know that anyone asking about resale is already more informed than the average consumer. And knowledge is power. For this reason, you’ll find countless research tools available at DVC Resale Market. They exist for the purpose of empowering you to make the best financial decisions for your family. 

Once you’re ready to buy, the process is nearly identical, albeit with a couple of extra steps. The main one is Right of First Refusal, a topic we discuss monthly on our blog. You’ll also find our social media channels and communities as useful resources as you go through the process. Disney offers none of that. So, in a way, DVC resale is less complicated, presuming you want to make a more informed decision. 

The DVC Points Work Differently, Right?

WRONG! This myth is so silly that I don’t understand who could possibly believe it. Think about it this way. When you book a DVC vacation, has the system ever asked you how you acquired your DVC Points? Of course not!

You’re purchasing an ownership interest in a property. From the meta perspective, it’s a real estate purchase. Federal and state laws apply to such transactions. Disney would get into trouble with the government if it fundamentally devalued resale purchases. That’s the same as devaluing DVC Points. So, you know that’s not happening. 

Instead, every DVC booking works the same. You choose Deluxe tier DVC resort where you want to stay. Then, you pick your dates and Room Type. As long as you have enough DVC Points, the reservation is yours. There’s nothing fancy about the booking process, and it’s all the same to everyone. 

I Can’t Finance DVC Points, Right?

Say it with me now: WRONG!!! In fact, World of DVC owns and operates a financing company specifically for this reason. The company’s vertical integration means that you never need to work with anyone else throughout the process.

World of DVC will assist you with purchasing a DVC contract via DVC Resale Market. Then, can get you set up with financing through Monera Financial. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Competitive rates starting at 9.9%
  • As little as 5% down payment
  • No credit check required 
  • Finance for up to 12 years
  • No loan points reported to credit bureaus 
  • No prepayment penalty and no service fee

So, they’ve got competitive rights in line with what Disney offers. Also, there’s no credit check required, a huge advantage if you’re familiar with how credit scores work.

Resale Points Are Harder to Use, Right? 

Wrong…actually, hold up. In a couple of very specific instances, you could argue this true. However, those instances are so rare that they won’t impact the overwhelming majority of DVC members, whether you’re a direct or resale buyer. 

The main ones are changes Disney has implemented to combat the growing popularity of DVC resale. Since DVC officials know that DVC resale prices are lower across the board, Disney has introduced a few wrinkles to the program. 

Access to Membership Extras is probably the most recognizable one, but as someone who has that, I’ll level with you that they’re not valuable amenities as a rule. Plus, when you purchase a contract with DVC Resale Market, you get access to exclusive perks. But there is one way that DVC Resale Points can be harder to use. 

Let’s say that you purchase a resale DVC contract at Disney’s Riviera Resort, The Cabins at Disney’s Fort Wilderness Resort, or The Villas at Disneyland Resort. In that isolated scenario, you may only use your DVC Points at your Home Resort. So, that’s something to keep in mind when shopping for contracts. 

However, those happen to be three luxury resorts that are ideal for DVC ownership. If your only option is to stay at the plus Riviera Resort, a spacious Cabin, or a short walk from Disneyland, I guess you’ll just have to live with that. It sounds terrible, right?

In short, the many myths about DVC resale purchases rarely have any basis in fact. What IS a fact is that you’ll save a fortune purchasing a DVC contract via resale rather than direct purchase.

Access all available Disney Vacation Club resale listings, or learn more about buying and selling with DVC Resale Market.


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